Monday, March 21, 2011

Thinking of you

My heart has been thinking of you , Japan.

Everyday I receive a prayer and devotion for the day through Children of Destiny( Their mission is " dedicated to bringing God’s hope, life, and restoration to families and individuals struggling with autism and related disorders through the development and promotion of effective prayer, inspirational messages, and spiritual support".

That mission has helped me in my darkest days, when one word or prayer has given me strength.

My son has Autism and I often think what would happen if a catastrophic event happened here on our own soil...would I be able to handle it and him at the same time. How would I be able to help him understand all that is going on.

On March 16th I was sent a devotion to pray for the Japanese families dealing with Autism who have been intensely impacted by the recent events. I remember just staring at my computer as my thoughts raced, I was also embarrassed...that I had forgotten that Autism is not just in my own home or just in my country, but everywhere.

Per Children of Destiny "Autism rates in Japan are on a par with the United States and United Kingdom and untold numbers of these families are suffering profoundly."

I would like to share that prayer and ask that you do to....

Dear Lord,
It is almost impossible to imagine the suffering the Japanese people are facing in this dark time. Particularly those whose challenges are compounded by trying to care for a loved one with autism. But, God, even in the darkest of times you can shine your rays of light and work great miracles for those in need. So we boldly ask, arise, Lord! Lift up your hand in the lives of these desperate families. Do not forget the helpless. We ask for miracles to meet their basic needs of food, shelter, medicine, and warmth. We ask that you would bring stability and hope in the midst of shaking and trauma. Help the parents and caregivers to have an extra measure of grace and understanding as they help those for whom they are caring. Help the individuals who have autism who are so confused and overwhelmed by the sudden and total changes they are facing. We ask that you would bring calm to their minds, and that you would speak comfort and hope in the depths of their spirits where autism cannot touch. As your word says, "0 You, who made me stare trouble in the face, turn me around; now let me look life in the face. I've been to the bottom; bring me up" (Ps 71:20-21, The Message). We pray that by your grace and mercy, those who have seen such death and destruction would look life in the face; the life, hope and salvation that only you can offer.
In Jesus' Name,

Psalm 10:12
Arise, LORD! Lift up your hand, O God.
Do not forget the helpless.



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